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fixed sum中文是什么意思

用"fixed sum"造句"fixed sum"怎么读"fixed sum" in a sentence


  • 固定金额


  • The six sigma black belt should be able to compute the value of money held or invested over time , including present value and future value of a fixed sum
  • General granta fixed sum of grant is given to agency members having applied such fund with the condition that they have staff andor board members who are hkcss visa cardholders
  • General granta fixed sum of grant is given to agency members having applied such fund with the condition that they have staff and or board members who are hkcss visa cardholders
  • Why does the government not use a fixed sum of capital investment instead of granting land rights ? the final cost of granting land rights is much more uncertain and it can far exceeds the present estimated values in a few years time
用"fixed sum"造句  


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